
Participants' Projects

Page history last edited by Sandra Annette Rogers 12 years, 10 months ago


Directions: To post your project to this page, you can request to have writer privileges to this wiki and edit the page. Here's more information on how to edit this wiki: http://usermanual.pbworks.com/w/page/11633432/Editor

Otherwise, post your link and information below in the comment box, and the moderators will add your data to the table.


Students' Name


Antonio Saraceno

The Educator's PLN

Prezi-the zooming presentation editor


Anjn Project


 The personal learning network for educators 

It's a friendly free-educational tool for amazing presentation.  This project has been completely realized by studs of last class of a secondary school

here some of my bookmarks 

Anjn s a Sloop2desc project about the use of English as a communicative language and web 2.0 tools

My website

 Luisa Formisano









Comments (4)

Luisa Formisano said

at 11:38 am on Feb 4, 2012

I have created a blog at this link http://linguaingleseblog.com. I have explored Pebble Pad and I think it's very good. I'll post you my project. See you Luisa

Susan Burg said

at 8:01 pm on Feb 4, 2012

Luisa, add your blog to the table so everyone can have a look at your work! It is worth seeing :-)

Sandra Annette Rogers said

at 11:05 pm on Feb 4, 2012

Dear Participants, You have been given writer's privileges, so that you can edit this page and add your projects. Just ask a moderator if you need help. The first time using PBWorks is always the most difficult. With much practice comes automaticity and ease. Nonetheless, sometimes I even get stuck with content not allowing me to edit, that's when I just save and close editing, and then reopen to try again.

Susan Burg said

at 8:54 pm on Feb 12, 2012

Antonio and Luisa, wonderful work...thanks for posting it!

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