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Participants are invited to visit the various PLNs to get ideas on formulating their own.
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at 11:00 pm on Feb 4, 2012
SPECIAL EVENT: EVO live with Graham Stanley and Marisa Constantinides on "PLN's through Facebook Twitter & Nings - the aPLaNet initiative" Sunday, February 5th at 19:00 GMT Here is the link to the online class: http://www.wiziq.com/online-class/742135-pln-s-through-facebook-twitter-nings-the-aplanet-initiative
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Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Samples of Personal Learning Networks
Samples of Personal Learning Environments
Participants' Projects
Favorite Web Tools
Online Technology Glossary
Tech Tool Tutorials
Comments (1)
Sandra Annette Rogers said
at 11:00 pm on Feb 4, 2012
SPECIAL EVENT: EVO live with Graham Stanley and Marisa Constantinides on "PLN's through Facebook Twitter & Nings - the aPLaNet initiative"
Sunday, February 5th at 19:00 GMT
Here is the link to the online class:
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