
Week 3

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Saved by Susan Burg
on January 29, 2011 at 8:46:15 pm

Week 3: January 24 - 30 

Exploring Tools 


Participants will explore and discuss tools that support and supplant theories and models.




Your tasks for Week 3:


  • Compare theories and models
  • Explore and discuss tools that support and supplant theories and models in Moodle (week 3 forum) 
  • Take part in a TappedIn.org interactive, virtual field trip on Saturday or Sunday.  (Details below)
  • Take a survey on PLE theories and models


In summary, we have three opportunities to learn about the PLN, TappedIn.org: advanced, basic, and independent virtual tours.  Moreover, you can view the calendar on TappedIn to see more tours provided weekly.   Read the TappedIn User Interface Guide to prepare yourself.

1. Event Information

Title: Learning Hub Tips & Tricks VFT - Extended Skills (Advanced)
Start Time: Jan 29, 2011 , 6:00 PM U.S. Central Time* [GMT-06:00] [question mark]
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Leader: [information]BJ Berquist (TLINC : [talking head]BjB)
Event Room: [open door]TI: Learning Hub
The TI: Learning Hub Group Room. ([closed envelope]SharonWB)

This event is a tour, so the event may move from this room once the event has started.  Susan Burg will follow the group during the tour.


This event does not require registration.

Event Type: TI Festival (Tour)
Topics: Teacher Education
Tenant: None
Creator: [information]BJ Berquist (TLINC : [talking head]BjB)
Created: Dec 27, 2010


Join one of the Tapped In HelpDesk volunteers to learn how you can use TI as a hub for learning in your classroom and for your own professional development.

TI: Learning Hub is an extended Calendar Event series. The purpose of the series is: Using TI as a learning hub to build a professional learning community.

Participants will learn how to use the extended skills/tools available in Tapped In. The Learning Hub Series will empower educators to be more flexible and knowledgeable in helping their students to be independent learners who use a variety of formats and resources to communicate ideas and construct learning.

Extended Capabilities
#Office and Group Room formation and outfitting capabilities
#Operating private messages
#Form a private office
#Own a group [this can be a K-12 Student Classroom]
#Post links in office or group room
#Writing notes for office or group room
#Starting a discussion in a group room
#Responding to a discussion in a group room
#Using the Whiteboard
#Featuring Notes, Links, Whiteboard, Passageways, etc
#Establish passageways from Learning Hub to office and/or group room and vice versa


2. Event Information

Title: Learning Hub Tips & Tricks VFT of Tapped In (Basic)
Start Time: Jan 30, 2011 , 1:00 PM U.S. Central Time* [GMT-06:00] [question mark]
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Leader: [information]Dianne Allen ([closed envelope]DianneA)
Event Room: [open door]TI: Learning Hub
The TI: Learning Hub Group Room. ([closed envelope]SharonWB)

This event is a tour, so the event may move from this room once the event has started.


This event does not require registration.

Event Type: TI Festival (Tour)
Topics: Teacher Education
Technology Education
Tenant: None
Creator: [information]BJ Berquist (TLINC : [talking head]BjB)
Created: Dec 27, 2010


Join Dianne Allen to learn how you can use TI as a hub for learning in your classroom and for your own professional development.

TI: Learning Hub is an extended Calendar Event series. The purpose of the series is: Using TI as a learning hub to build a professional learning community.

Participants will learn how to use the basic tools available in Tapped In. The Learning Hub Series will empower educators to be more flexible and knowledgeable in helping their students to be independent learners who use a variety of formats and resources to communicate ideas and construct learning.

Visit the group room before the discussion is scheduled and look at the resources available under Featured Items and on the Discussion board.

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