
Week 2

Page history last edited by Susan Burg 12 years, 12 months ago


Week 2: January 16 - 22 

Moderators:  Susan and Daniela 



Create Your Personal Learning Environment or Network


Participants will be introduced to various platforms to cultivate their PLE/PLN. Then they will post their ideas in the Moodle forum about which tech tools they might use to develop their own. We also encourage participants to comment on at least two other peers' posts!



Your tasks for Week 2:


A. View the following video on using wikis to create a PLE: http://www.screenr.com/Mnqs. The PLE in the video is located at this URL: http://mypersonallearningenvironment.pbworks.com/w/page/25570751/FrontPage 



B. See the video on "How to Use Paper.li to Enhance Your PLN" by Sandra Rogers: http://www.screenr.com/92Ss. Sandra created The Online Educator on Paper.li based on the tweets of her peers in the ESL/EFL teaching field.  In this video she describes how to set up the e-newspaper and learn from it!  Here's the link to the e-newspaper: http://paper.li/teacherrogers/1301595898 


C.  Look at the Tech Tool Tutorial Page  for different platform ideas and how to use them.  Select a platform for your PLE/PLN or enhance the one you already have.


D. Discuss the features and capabilities that the different tools offer and post your comments in the Moodle forum.  Compare two or three examples that you like/dislike.


E. View the sample PLEs and PLNs chart




Alternative Readings & Activities:


Are you interested in creating a PLN with your students?  Here's an article posted on Edutopia by Vicki Davis: http://www.edutopia.org/pln-web-pages.   


Check out these other twitter e-newspapers on Paper.li:


1. This one is by another EVO Moderator, Barbara Sakamoto:


2.  This one is created by the hashtag #ELTchat:

3. This e-newspaper is created by the British Council:

4. This one is created by another EVO Moderator, Jose Antonio Silva for this hashtag, #EdTech:




And last but not least, what about the role of Twitter in PLNs?: 















Comments (1)

Sandra Annette Rogers said

at 10:18 pm on Jan 19, 2012

Dear Participants, If you're unable to login to the Moodle due to tech difficulty, you can leave a message here on the wiki. Just request access, if you haven't already, and then you can add comments here.

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